Friday, October 9, 2015

Fact Friday #6- History II

Disclaimer: remember that I wrote this before I came to Chile. So I apologise if all my facts are not correct. Feel free to comment any changes you feel need to be made.


The first major people who immigrated to Chile, after settlement by the natives, were the Spanish during their conquest of Chile, and after. During the 19th and 20th centuries, a significant number of Germans, Italians, Irish, English, Greeks, Yugoslavs, Lebanese, and others came to Chile due to hardship in their own nations. Also, during and after World War II both a large number of Nazis and Jews settled in Chile. This has made Chile quite diverse. So much so that it has been called “the United States of South America”.

Civil Wars-

A brief civil war broke out in 1830 when the Conservatives regained control of the government from O'Higgens. However, the main civil war occurred in 1991. This was caused by increased tensions between the Liberals and Conservatives. In 1980 The National Congress refused to approve President Balmaceda's spending plan. This was the breaking point for the Civil War, in which 10,000 Chileans died fighting. The president's forces were overcome, and he killed himself. After that, congress increased its powers, and remained the power force in politics until 1925. Another major civil war ensued in 1973 when General Augusto Pinochet lead the military to overthrow the Allende government, and established a brutal dictatorship. This has created a controversy about whether he was good or bad for Chile overall.

Chile and International Wars-

Chile remained neutral for World War I, and their economy boomed because of the need for nitrates. However, in World War II, they were originally neutral but eventually cut ties with Germany and Japan in 1943. For the rest of the war they continued to sell copper, nitrates, and other war supplies to the Allies.

New Holidays-

1) National Holiday (September 18)-  This holiday commemorates the First Government Junta in 1810. It is kind of like the 4th of July, because it is their independence day.
2) Navy Day (May 21)- This day commemorates the Battle of Iquique in 1879, which was part of the War of the Pacific. It is also the day in which the president gives his State of the Nation address. Special programs are held in Santiago, Valparaíso, and Iquique.
3) Army Day (September 19)- This day is to celebrate the armed forces.

4) Columbus Day (October 12)- Although we have Columbus Day in the States, in Chile it is a day of mourning for many of the natives because so many of them were wiped out by the Spanish Conquistadors.
5) Partial Holidays for Elections- Employers are required to give everyone at least 2 hours off to go vote.
See Religion for other holidays

Want to see more?-

World Book

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