Wednesday, September 16, 2015


As some of you know, Friday is Chilean Independence Day!! Yay!!! It's the biggest Chilean holiday (or so they tell me) and it's bound to be tons of fun! There's only one problem. I'll be out of town and therefore unable to keep you (excuse the pun) posted. However, I will be sure to post videos and a billion pictures when I get back.

Chilean Independence Day means that we got this week off. It also means, that throughout September, the classrooms are decorated, and different classes sell traditional food during the recreos, or breaks. Finally it means that we were learning the Cueca in PE and in music class. And long story short, I ended up dancing it on Friday for a bunch of people. Yeah. Don't ask me how I got roped into that one. But it was actually really fun, and I'm really glad I ended up doing it! I got to learn Cueca, learn more about Chile, and more about my friends.
There are like hundreds of different kinds of Cueca. Like, literally. But we danced the Central. It's rather easy, and fun. However, that brings up an interesting point. I don't think Chileans talk fast. But everyone else does, so maybe the Cueca Central is super hard. I really don't know.

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