Monday, September 7, 2015

1 Mes!!

Today marks the anniversary of my arrival in Chile!! So much has happened in just a month, but it feels like I've been here seconds. My Spanish is way better, I have made tons of new friends, experienced the world outside Indiana, become part of a new family, and, and, AND! The days are long, and the first 2 weeks seemed infinite, but now that I'm in school, the second two weeks have flown bye! I am having so much fun, and I adore Chile, but more than that I adore Chileans. They (I hope I can say we by the end of this) are so nice and welcoming. They make this whole thing a hell lot easier. They have just welcomed me into their lives with open arms and plenty of besos. Everyone is super understanding of my Spanish, as well as my quest to learn more. They just role with it. 
I'm not sure when, but at some point I casually mentioned to my friends that today would mark my 1st month in Chile, and they were like "Oh cool!", "It's gone bye so fast! One of my guy friends was like "Hay! That's my birthday!" And then I was like "awesome!" And we moved on. 
Only they didn't. Because when I got to school today, I was handed a giant, blue bag and a poster that says, "Felicidades Willow: ¡Primer mes en Chile!" It was super sweet, and the giant, blue bag ended up being an adorable peluche that we named Max Dorito (don't ask me why. I have no clue), & I love him!!! They also brought me this type of delicious Chilean cake that's layers of Manjar between layers of like, filo dough. With powdered sugar. It's amazing! (They also had presents for my friend who's birthday is today, but he wasn't at school. So we ate his chocolate. XD) 
I have known these people for less than 2 weeks, and they did all of that for me! I was so tickled! They are so amazing and they're attitude properly depicts the Chilean spirit. When the interviewer for NTV asked me what I like most about Chile, I said the mountains. Because I was tired, but that was kind-of a dumb answer. On my list of things me encantan about Chile, las montañas son tercero. The second being the food (particularly the bread) and the first is, the people. <3

This is Max Dorito, and my sign, in our classroom.

Lunch!! These are my lovely amigas, and Max. Also, it's in the cafeteria, and I'm holding the torta.

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