Sunday, November 8, 2015

Halloween in Chile

So, I didn't even realise that Halloween was a thing in Chile. I thought it was just a US thing. But, we celebrated it pretty much the same as we do in the US. The candy is different, and it's less of a thing here (like commercially and less people celebrate it) but basically the same.
In Temuco there was a zombie run, but I didn't get to go because I had my adorable host brother's birthday party.
Afterwards, a bunch of my Chilean friends came over to my house and we ate pizza, trick-o'-treated (dulse o truco), and watched a horror movie. Oh. Also, they don't do Jack-o'-Lanterns here (cuando corta una calabaza a una forma de una cara). Here are some pictures.

I was the Queen of Hearts <3. Good last minute costume.

I look kind of scary in this picture. XD XD

This is the type of candy that you get. Yummy, and very different. Than in the US.
Entonces, para todos sus Chilenos mirando esta, aquí son algunos fotos de Halloween en Gringolandia aka EEUU. 

Estas son los tipos de dulces recibimos en EEUU parra Halloween.

Todos los años, mi familia va campando por Halloween. Aquí son algunos de nuestros disfraces.


uno de mis disfraces... ghmm. pasando a otras.

¡Candy corn! (dulces de choclo)
Otras disfraces con mis amigas en Gringolandia. Soy Totoro. 

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