Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Find U, Finding me.

I'm kind-of just a nerd in the US. I run. But mostly I just do school stuff. I want everyone to like me. I got a 100% on 3 of my finals. That white girl. Yeah. That's me. And that part is dominant. But I have another side too.
I side you don't know. A side I hardly know. She loves Flo Rida and Raggaeton. She makes dirty jokes. She's the one who swims in ice cold water. The one who puts half eaten oranges in people's water. 
I love her.
And because they are the same person, here I am in Chile. 
My adventurous part.
And the part that works her ass off, by accident. 
It's hard to be both. But only with both parts, am I this person. 

1 comment:

  1. And all together amazing! You inspire us and we admire you and are more proud of you than you know. Keep being a fabulously adventurous nerd - this mix is working for you. - Krista
