Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Chilean RYLA

This last weekend I joined 29 fellow foreign exchange students and about 30 chilean exchange-student-to-be's at RYLA.
You may be familiar with RYLA. It stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and is another of Rotary's youth programs. In some districts, like in Northern Indiana, you don't have to be in RYE to do RYLA. In my district here however, it's only for us kids in RYE. Probably because there are 60 of us here and only 12 of us there. XD
Anyway, in both of my districts it's pretty much the same amazingly fun weekend. We hang out, do camp activities, eat food and listen to inspirational speakers. But the best part is the company. I absolutely love hanging out with these people! I love talking about politics with people who realise what it is right. I love hanging out with people who know all the ups and downs of being an exchange student. And I love being around people my age who share my priorities.
The number 1 best thing about RYE is having the chance to know all of the amazing people that I have. My exchange student peeps, all of my chileans, and the rotarians.
I had a really bad cold last weekend, but it was still the most fun I've had in a while. :)

we spent Friday sight seeing around Las Angeles Chile.
This is the Pewenche Museum

the dam on the river Bio Bio that we went to visit

these are the chileans that will begin there adventure next year

us inside the dam

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