Monday, May 25, 2015

RYE vs. College

     I have so much in common with the soon-to-be college students! They have to fill out rigourous applications, decide what to pack, host going away (well, graduation) parties, and spend an extended period of time away from home. However there are some small differences, like the fact that I do not get to come home for Christmas, will be simultaneously learning a different language, my classes will not be as challenging, and it does not cost a fraction as much (thank heaven!). But, among these there is one itsy bitsy, tiny little difference; these soon-to-be college students are 18 and I am 15.
     When I here stories about students who had to come home because they could not handle being so far away from their families, I usually think two things. The first is,"What?!?" Because I'm expected and plan on embarking on a similar endevour, and I am significantly younger than all of them. On the other hand, those stories also give the piece of me that is scared beyond imaginable an excuse to quit. That is by far the more dangerous thought. I try to keep it at bay by reminding myself that I have worked far to hard for this to give it up now, and a whole string of other reasons why I cannot quit, nomader what.
     These stories remind me that I was chosen to be a RYE ambassador for a reson, and it was not because they thought I was a quitter. However, after filling out the RYE application ;-) , and completing next year, I think I will be able to take anything College throws at me!


1 comment:

  1. If you didn't have concerns, you would be foolish. Bravery is not taking action with the absence of fear. Bravery is feeling fear and taking action anyway. You are acting bravely and I'm proud of you for it.
