Why should we care about the elephants? Or the bengal tigers? Or the bald eagles? They are just useless species of animals that couldn't adapt fast enough. Everything goes extinct at some point. I guess now there time is over. Why should we
not dam up Patagonia for power, or destroy the rainforests to grow palm trees???
Before now I thought that. But now. Now I realize why we should fiercely protect these natural wonders. I want my children and my great, great grandchildren to be able to experience Patagonia the way I have. It is one of the places on earth least effected by humans, and I swear, that it is heaven on earth. It is so, so, so amazing, and I want everyone to be awed, and changed by it's beauty like I was. I absolutely loved New York city, but Patagonia was a very different kind of wonderful. & I don't want our future generations to only know the buzz of human life and not the hum of nature life. Of things far more ancient than the Romans. The rocks, the trees, the rivers, the mountains. They all have life. And a story to tell.
I want all 8 billion of us to hear them sing.
oh, just another boring old Patagonia landscape ;-) |
La Cueva del Milodon |
The hat says USA on the front. We put it there to take pictures. 'cause that's what we do. |
Remember children... avoid starting forest fires. But if you do, you know, no biggy. |
This is a cerro. a hill. a hill. How is anything bigger than a landfill not a mountain?? |
I want to know what I'm looking at in this picture... or who... |
Lenny does not have rabies... we're eating glacier ice. |
this ice |
This is Los Torres de Paine national park. What everyone knows when they think of Patagonia. I think it lives up to the Reputation. |
Paine means blue. I wonder why the park is called Torres de Paine?... |
I'm planning my trip right now! Looks so beautiful!