Friday, November 4, 2016


Life is hard, but it is also good. I have good days, and I have bad days, and I have ok days (which are most days). My last post was from a bad day, so I mainly just wanted to clarify that not all of my days are that kind of day. I do struggle with finding my own identity. It becomes especially challenging in a place where everyone knows me. It's not that they only know the "old me", it's not like no one is trying, I'm just saying that they knew me before I went on exchange, and they know me now.

Ok, I'm doing a really bad job of explaining this aren't I? Well, in Chile, I had to try to be myself in a place where I knew no one, and no one knew me, and I didn't know how I was supposed to act, nor did I have any experience with how it should go. That was pretty damn hard. But it's almost harder now that I find myself trying to do the same thing in a place where just about everyone knows me, I know just about everyone, and I should, after living 15 of my 16 years of life here, know how things work and what I should be doing.

Well, this post has been a rather interesting one, and I apologize if you read it hoping for something of a glacier moving quality. But, I'm going to publish it anyway because... documentation.


but you know what?
life is ok. And I can live with ok.


  1. Replies
    1. so sorry I didn't see this until now Sophie! I think of you and your great advice often. I love you too and it's good to know that I'm not crazy.
