Friday, April 1, 2016

Fact Friday #26- Rotary


Rotary has been in Chile since 1924. The first club was started in Valparaíso.

Boundaries of District 4355-

District 4355 is the southern Chilean district. It is the biggest (territory wise), and includes from Chillan/Concepción in the north, to, well everything south. But, there are only exchange students until Cohaique.


Amancay Temuco was started in 1992.

Club Information-
Hotel Bayern
Av. Arturo Prat 146
Temuco, Cautín 4790703

The address above is where my club meets at 8:00pm.

RYE Students-

My club hosts about 2 or 3 students every year. The one that was there last year is a girl from Germany.
The other RYE inbounds in Temuco this year are/were from the US, Australia and Denmark. I met them via Facebook and Whatsapp before I left. I hang out with them about like 2 a month.
In my district, 4355, the usual countries that you can go to/be from are: the US, Germany, France, Denmark, Austria, Finland and Canada. I think that I'm forgetting at least one. Sorry if that's you.

Club Projects-

In September 2014, my club gave rabies shots to 150 cats and dogs.
In April 2014, my club donated 50 wheelchairs to las comunas de Padre Las Casas y Temuco.

¿Quieres saber más?-

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