So, I didn't even realise that Halloween was a thing in Chile. I thought it was just a US thing. But, we celebrated it pretty much the same as we do in the US. The candy is different, and it's less of a thing here (like commercially and less people celebrate it) but basically the same.
In Temuco there was a zombie run, but I didn't get to go because I had my adorable host brother's birthday party.
Afterwards, a bunch of my Chilean friends came over to my house and we ate pizza, trick-o'-treated (dulse o truco), and watched a horror movie. Oh. Also, they don't do Jack-o'-Lanterns here (cuando corta una calabaza a una forma de una cara). Here are some pictures.
I was the Queen of Hearts <3. Good last minute costume. |
I look kind of scary in this picture. XD XD |
This is the type of candy that you get. Yummy, and very different. Than in the US. |
Entonces, para todos sus Chilenos mirando esta, aquí son algunos fotos de Halloween en Gringolandia aka EEUU.
Estas son los tipos de dulces recibimos en EEUU parra Halloween. |
Todos los años, mi familia va campando por Halloween. Aquí son algunos de nuestros disfraces. |
Jack-o'-Lanterns |
uno de mis disfraces... ghmm. pasando a otras. |
¡Candy corn! (dulces de choclo) |
Otras disfraces con mis amigas en Gringolandia. Soy Totoro. |
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