Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Life is Good. :-)

Feeling pretty good. I've been here for like 12 days? (It feels like more) School is fun, the only bad part is that I can't understand half the classes because they are in Spanish. In true chilean fashion, my classmates are really nice and inclusive.  In the US I had like one group of friends whom I hung out with all of the time. But here, there aren't really groups, and I hang out with all of the ones that do exist.
Por exemplo: (which chileans say a lot)

  • Today I went to Pizza Hut with 3 other girls in my class by invitation. For $500 pesos, you get as much pizza as you want. Because it's a Wednesday. They bring the pizza to you a piece at a time, and they have all different kinds. They spice and topping it differently than in the US, but it looked the same. As we talked, (well, mostly they talked and I listened) we commenced to eat 7 pieces a piece. Plus a glass of Coke-a (tú sabes, like coke-a-cola). Let's just say that 4 hours later I definitely don't need "Once". It was super fun and they are really nice to me. (Is it sad that that was actually my first time at a sit-down restaurant in Chile?...)
  • I was also invited to go to the mall after school on Friday, by 2 other girls, but Sadly I'll be in Santiago. 
  • We are doing dance routines in gym class, and yet another group invited me to be part of theirs. We are dancing to "Worth it" by Fifth Harmony.
  • So... yeah.

Here's my school. Minus the green stuff, 'cause it's winter. And it's bigger than it looks, but not much.

My chilean mom and brother, as well as my mom and siblings in the US think that my Spanish has improved a lot. Even though it has only been 12 days. I don't really know about that. I guess maybe, but I can't really feel a difference.
Yesterday we had a youth exchange student "press conference" of sorts with the National Television of Chile. They were interviewing all of the outbounds, and I said, "Oh good. They're just interviewing the Chileans. 'Cause my Spanish is definitely not good enough for that. And I don't really need, or want, to be on TV." Yet, after they were through with all of the outbounds, guess who's the only inbound they interviewed??
So... yeah. I have no idea how to find the actual thing that aired, but if I do, I might not post it... (JK. I will. But feel free to look, and if you find it tell me.)

Today I saw a Black-faced ibis in the school yard. At least that's what I think it was. Here's a picture of one, not the one I saw mind you.

I also saw a super pretty sunset. I think they are signs that everything will be okay.

I made a list of all the things I miss. But of all the things that are in the US and not here, I miss my bike the most today.

Also, my English is already failing me. I'm going to be a hot mess in IB English.

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