Last Thursday was my first actual day of school in a year and a half. I went to
school last year, but it was just for the second semester, so I never had a real first day of school.
School is a lot different now that I can actually speak Spanish. In August last year it was like, "Willow, do you want to go jump off a cliff?"... "sí".Plus for tercero and cuarto medio (junior and senior year) one elects a pathway. In bigger schools there are 3 pathways. Humanist (with a focus in language arts and history), general (a mix of everything everything) and scientific (with a focus in math and science). But in my colegio there is no general. I'm in the scientific pathway (because I like math and am not very good at language arts in Spanish), so my week looks like this:
Monday: 2 hours english, 2 hours history, 2 hours math, 1 hour values, 1 hour elective physics (which is part of the scientific pathway), and another hour of values
Tuesday: 2 hours elective physics, 2 hours language arts, 2 hours physical education, 1 hour music, 1 hour language arts, and 1 hour math elective
Wednesday: 2 hours chemistry, 2 hours philosophy, 1 hour english, 1 hour language arts, 2 hours math, and 1 hour language arts
Thursday: 2 hours english, 2 hours biology elective, 2 hours math elective, 2 hours biology, and 1 hour music
Friday: 1 hour english, 1 hour language arts, 2 hours math, 1 hour home room, 1 hour philosophy, 2 hours history, and 1 hour biology elective
School now is more like school in the US. Because the electives are more intensive, and interesting, and I can actually do the work.
There are a lot of new teachers this year. One of the new English teachers is from the US. I have yet to talk to her yet, but I really want to. I just haven't had the chance. I go to an "English School" so she gave a speech in English on the first day of school. It's kind of funny because, after she said, "Hello", I knew that she wasn't from Chile. The class mates of my host sister told her, "Look, Willow has a knew friend!" XD XD She has a really strong US accent. In English and Spanish. Afterwards I asked my friends if I talked like that and they said yes, but not anymore. One of the new girls in my class said that she didn't know that I was from the US until we told her. So, hurray! My Spanish isn't perfect, but the fact that my accent's not as blunt anymore is a big step forward.
I had mixed feelings about starting school, but it feels good to actually do something with myself during the week. Plus I get to see my friends again. :)
my host siblings and I on the 1st day |