Learning Spanish Before I Left-
Although my chileans were a really big help with my Spanish learning, it would have been nice to have spoken a little more Spanish when I had arrived. I did some of this stuff, but not as much as I should have. Some of them worked better for me than others, and will for you too. Here are a few tactics.- Watch movies in your host language. Whether they are movies from your host country, or you just change the audio language in Netflix, it'll help a lot. Start with some movies for kids or action movies. The less complicated the plot, the better. I saw Jurassic World with my host sister when I arrived.
- Doulingo! Doulingo is a language learning app. It's really great, and the best part is that it's free.

- Talk to your host family in their native language through Whatsapp, Facebook, emails, whatever. It helps. Plus you can learn more about your host country, and family.
- Listen to news, music, or books in your host language. Don't stress yourself with reading yet. Especially if it's a language like Spanish that has all the same letters as English. You just need the basics, but real reading comprehension will come later.
- Talk to friends who speak the language. Don't be embarrassed. It's better to make mistakes with friends than with complete strangers. Plus your friends also speak english.
Learning Spanish in Chile-
Ok, for me, I just kind of went with the flow and didn't try to hard. But that might not be the best strategy.
The biggest thing is talking as much as you can in your host language. Try not to fall back on english and english speakers to much. A little bit at the beginning is ok, but try your best to stay away from getting into the habit.
Some of my friends used flashcards, but I've never really been a flashcard person. Ask your host family for baby books, again, don't be embarrassed. Do what you've got to do.
And finally, ask lot's of questions.
¿Quieres Saber Más?-
http://matadornetwork.com/notebook/21-funniest-expressions-chilean-spanish-use/CIA county profile
Chile: The Expat's Gide
my friends in Chile